Race Horses
Part of a Winning Team
We provide a practical, cost-effective service for flat and National Hunt horses and point-to-pointers both in and out of training.
We offer advice on current BHA rules and regulations, including withdrawal times.
We are aware of the importance to both owners and trainers of days lost to illness and injury. We aim to arrive at a prompt and accurate diagnosis. Treatment options can then be discussed and a prognosis and time-scale for the horse to return to racing given.
We are able to offer a full range of diagnostic techniques at your premises:
Upper respiratory tract endoscopy: (static and overground)
Nerve and joint blocks
Digital radiography
On-site treatments include:
Joint medication
Sacroiliac medication
Medication of ‘kissing’ dorsal spinous processes
Intra-lesional medication of lesions in tendons/ ligaments (PRP, stem cell)
When additional diagnostic or surgical techniques are indicated we refer cases to Rossdale’s Equine Hospital in Newmarket.
For horses out of training we aim to liaise with your trainer and their own vet, where appropriate. We will happily send a veterinary report with the horse when it goes back into training, detailing our findings and treatment be it completed or ongoing.
We have had particular success in helping both flat and NH horses with orthopaedic problems during periods out of training - a large number of these have won on their first or second starts back.
Our lead vet Jennifer Harbison is the Senior Veterinary Surgeon at multiple Point-to-Point race courses including Kingston Blount, Edgcote and Kimble. All of our vets have extensive racecourse experience can be found assisting on-course having completed the ARVS Casualty Management.