Pre-Purchase Examinations
Buy with Confidence
At EVR our expertise and experience is invaluable when it comes to examinations of horses prior to purchase and for insurance purposes. This is a service we offer to both registered and non-registered clients.
Jennifer has attended a large number of bloodstock sales in the UK, Ireland, France and USA in recent years on behalf of clients. She has extensive experience in the vetting and purchase of foals and yearlings, flat and National Hunt racehorses and broodmares in addition to competition and leisure horses.
A pre-purchase examination (PPE) can be considered as a risk-assessment. We aim to identify any underlying medical, soundness or conformational issues and use this information to decide on balance whether a horse is likely to be suitable for its intended use by the purchaser.
We appreciate that every purchaser will have their own individual set of circumstances and requirements and therefore our opinions are tailored accordingly. PPEs can never guarantee a horse’s future soundness but the aim is to reduce the chance of buying a horse in which problems may arise.
PPEs can be conducted in either two or five stages:
Two stage examination: Comprises the first two parts of a five stage examination). This involves a full clinical exam (eyes, heart, lungs, limbs etc) and assessment of the horse at walk and trot in hand (together with flexion tests and lunging on a small circle where appropriate).
Five stage examination: First two stages as above plus assessment of the horse during exercise, observation during recovery, and a final trot up after a short period of rest.
We are happy to advise you as to the most appropriate PPE for your situation if you are unsure of the level of examination you would like.
We recommend that a blood sample is taken at the time of the vetting. This stored for 6-months and can be tested at any time during this period if there is any indication after purchase the horse may have been affected by behaviour or lameness-modifying substances at the time of the vetting.
PPEs can be performed at any suitable premises or can be brought into New Barn Farm, Launton. With our mobile equipment, we are able to perform additional diagnostics (X-rays, ultrasound examination, endoscopy) on-site the time of the PPE.
Examinations for insurance are conducted in a similar manner to PPEs. The level of examination and the need for any additional diagnostic techniques will be dictated by your insurance company.